RCMP reports on a busy two weeks

Barriere RCMP had a busy weekend on Highway 5 with traffic enforcement

A motor vehicle accident goes unseen because of a 20 foot embankment.

A motor vehicle accident goes unseen because of a 20 foot embankment.

Cpl Darin Underhil

Barriere RCMP

The members of the Barriere RCMP had a busy weekend on Highway 5 with traffic enforcement on high risk drivers.  From Friday July 5 to Sunday, July 7 there were a total of 11 vehicles impounded and one other towed for no insurance.

The traffic flow was moderate to heavy throughout the weekend in both directions with the potential for a disasterous collision given some of the high risk driving behoviour.  Members of the Barriere Detachment pulled over 10 vehicles for excessive speed, over 40 km/h over the posted speed limit,  resulting in a seven day impound and the other for an impaired driver that received a 30 day impound.   The slowest speed recorded for these impounds was 47 km over the posted speed limit.  There were a number of other traffic related charges written as well from speed, excessive noise, drive contrary to restrictions and others.   These statistics are scary when we look at the volume of traffic, large commercial trucks and many RV’s with families on holidays.  Many of these vehicles were passing other vehicles, or lines of traffic, when the flow is already at or slightly above the posted speed limit.  It is a good reminder to always look when pulling onto the highway or turning left across the highway in traffic because neither you or the person traveling at 135 km/h have time to react and avoid a collision.

If you see a driver displaying this type of driving behavior or other high risk driving, please call the police and we will do all we can to intercept the vehicle and deal with the driver.  Remember, a license plate is the best, plus a description of the vehicle to confirm we have the right vehicle stopped.  We wish everyone safe travels over the summer and hope you enjoy all our beautiful area has to offer.

On Friday, July 12 at approximately 4:15 a.m., a lone male entered a holiday trailer on a work site that is the caretaker’s residence.  The home owner was laying on the couch in the front of the trailer when the male climbed in through an open window into the rear bedroom.  The male was walking to the front of the trailer when the owner sat up, spooking the male who said, “Oh good morning,” then turned and slammed the bedroom door before escaping through the rear window.

There is no description of the male at this time.  The police are looking for information on this male, so if you saw anyone walking around 4 – 4:30 a.m. in the area of the Barriere River on Barriere Town Road please contact police.   This is a concerning incident that could have had a very bad outcome.

On July 13, 2013 at 8:20 a.m. police responded to a male on the side of the road in Louis Creek with a bleeding hand that was wrapped up.  Police attended and located a witness who explained the male was sitting on the side of the road, bleeding from a collision that he reported occurred around 2 a.m.  He was sitting there for quite a while before anyone called or stopped to check on him.  This collision was in a difficult location, not visible from the travel portion of the road and over 20 feet down an embankment.  The driver was sitting or wandering along the shoulder of the highway for quite a while before a motorist, who overheard the incident while at the gas station, turned back and went to check on the male.

This good samaritan sat with the male who was injured until help had arrived.  The male was picked up by a family member prior to police arrival and taken to the Royal Inland Hospital to be checked for injuries.  It was reported he had a dislocated arm and lacerations.  At this time the collision is under investigation with Motor Vehicle Act charges pending.


Barriere Star Journal