Alleged suspect in two Cache Creek crimes, April 2021. Photo credit: RCMP

RCMP still looking for tips in Cache Creek motel break-in

Police briefs from the Ashcroft RCMP detachment

  • Jun. 2, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Cache Creek motel break-in

On April 8, Ashcroft RCMP began an investigation into a break and enter at a Cache Creek motel.

At approximately 7:25 p.m. on April 8, an unknown male caused damage to a window at the motel. The suspect then stole an item from inside the motel room and fled on foot.

When police arrived on scene it was discovered that a vehicle at the location also sustained a broken window and had an item stolen from it, which is believed to be related to the same suspect. He is described as an older male with grey hair and a slim build, wearing a coat with a “sons of anarchy” type of crest on the back. This incident is still under police investigation.

Storage facility break-in

On May 5, Ashcroft RCMP received a call of a break-in to a storage facility. Police attended, and after speaking with the witness/victim it was discovered that the suspects had departed with a number of items including a crossbow, a ball bag, tools, and jewellery. The suspects cut a hole through the fence to gain access to the property before breaking the lock to the storage unit.

The suspects are described as two males: one wearing a black cowboy hat and the other wearing a ball cap. Both were wearing masks and gloves during the break-in.

Highway Patrol Unit’s “2 cents”

In this section, the Ashcroft Highway Patrol unit can comment on trends they are seeing regarding motorists in relation to complying with B.C. Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) regulations.

As the weather outside has warmed up, we are seeing more motorist driving convertibles and SUVs which have the ability to have portions of the vehicle (such as doors, windows, and hoods) removed. Many of these removable sections of a vehicle have been tested by the manufacturer in a crash test while they are on the vehicle. The results of this test will allow for the vehicle’s safety rating.

When drivers remove sections of their vehicle it may no longer comply with the B.C. MVA regulations and could compromise the vehicle’s ability to protect its occupants in the event of a collision. Section 219(1)of the MVA states that any motor vehicle or trailer on a highway must be in compliance with all respects of this act. Failing to comply with this section could result in a $109 fine, and the owner could face an ordered inspection of the vehicle in question at a certified inspection facility.

If the public has any information which could assist police in any of the above-mentioned investigations, please call Ashcroft RCMP at (250) 453-2216. if you wish to remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or visit the Crime Stoppers website at

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Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal