(Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash)

(Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash)

RCMP warn of phone scam involving the Trail hospital

KBRH Health Foundation does not use external phone solicitation methods to fundraise

If you get a call from someone claiming to be selling books as a fundraiser for the Trail hospital – hang up.

The Trail and Greater District RCMP is warning of this scam – there is no book sale – so don’t give out any information.

Alarm bells about this latest swindle began ringing in the Trail detachment on Thursday, Sept. 19.

Previous: Trail senior bilked of $1,200

Previous: Trail senior swindled for $2,000

That’s when police received a complaint from the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital (KBRH) Health Foundation that an ongoing telephone fraud, involving the hospital foundation, was occurring in the Trail area.

After staff reported the incident to the RCMP, Sgt. Mike Wicentowich passed on a warning message issued by foundation.

“The KBRH Health Foundation has received information about a probable phone scam involving callers falsely identifying themselves as fundraisers for the Trail hospital,” the foundation cautioned.

“Details from the calls include a request to support the Trail hospital by purchasing activity books for children. The caller then requests contact details to send an invoice for payment.”

The health foundation does not have any current campaigns that include fundraising through children’s book sales.

“The KBRH Health Foundation does not use external phone solicitation methods to fundraise for our campaigns and programs,” the organization advised.

“All of the foundation’s public appeals are provided by direct mail and any follow up phone calls are made by staff or board members who clearly identify themselves as representatives of the foundation.”

The RCMP and KBRH administration have been notified of this phone scam and will be taking action to further inform the public as required.

Anyone with questions or concerns regarding this matter is encouraged to contact Jennifer Kirk, Development Support Coordinator for the KBRH Health Foundation, at 250.364.6241 or email Jennifer.Kirk@interiorhealth.ca.

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Trail Daily Times