RDCK celebrates Earth Day with Trash to Treasure

Hey, it’s time to discover the treasures that have been languishing as trash at other people’s houses. It’s Trash to Treasure time again!

Hey, it’s time to discover the treasures that have been languishing as trash at other people’s houses. It’s Trash to Treasure time again!

The RDCK’s semi-annual celebration of waste reduction is happening on Saturday, April 20.

This one-day event provides participants with an opportunity to give away used items to those who may find value in them. This is also a chance for residents to search their community for their neighbours’ unwanted treasures.

On April 20, residents are encouraged to place any gently-used, unwanted household goods together at the front of their property in a location that can be safely accessed by treasure hunters. A sign should clearly indicate which items are available to take home.

Get your goods for others out in the morning and get them back in by 4:00 p.m. the same day all remaining items should be gathered up and taken inside.

Visit the RDCK’s website to download a Trash to Treasure sign for your lawn: www.rdck.bc.ca.


Arrow Lakes News