RDCK has free sandbags available for flood preparation

Other tips on how to stay safe and dry during the freshet

  • May. 11, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) is making sandbags available at no cost for residents who are experiencing or want to be prepared for flooding. Unfilled bags and sand are available at several locations across the RDCK.

“Sandbags can be a smart, proactive move for anyone who lives near a creek, river or lake with rising levels and wants to protect their property,” said Andrew Bellerby, RDCK’s General Manager of Fire & Emergency Services and Regional Fire Chief. “Some areas of the RDCK and neighbouring districts are already facing significant flooding—and with rain and warm temperatures in the coming days, we urge people to take steps to be flood prepared.”

Sandbag and sand locations can be found on the “Be flood prepared” page of the RDCK website: www.rdck.ca/befloodprepared.

Sand and sandbags are provided free to residents for the purpose of protecting their homes, and is not intended to protect shoreline. There is a limited supply of sandbags so residents are asked to please take only what they need.

PreparedBC has tips for filling and placing sandbags. Check out a video and print instructions on their website: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-preparedness-response-recovery/preparedbc/know-the-risks/floods

What else can you do to be prepared?

· Report a flood emergency that is occurring by calling 911.

· Report any hazards to the 24-hour toll-free provincial emergency number at 1-800-663-3456.

· Sign up for the RDCK Emergency Notification System (for location-specific orders to evacuate or shelter in place). Go to www.rdck.ca and select “Emergency Alerts” from the home page, or go to the alert system sign-up page at https://rdckemergency.connectrocket.com.

· For general information about emergency preparedness and evacuations, please visit the Be flood prepared page of the RDCK website or PreparedBC.

Castlegar News