The RDCK hopes rearranging furniture at its Nelson board office will solve a space crunch in the short term.

The RDCK hopes rearranging furniture at its Nelson board office will solve a space crunch in the short term.

RDCK hiring planner to look at space crunch

The Regional District of Central Kootenay will ask a consultant to find ways of making more room for staff at its Nelson headquarters.

The Regional District of Central Kootenay will hire a consultant to suggest ways of making more room for staff at its increasingly cramped Nelson headquarters.

A committee of directors has concluded that reorganizing the existing space makes the most sense for now. Other options included adding a second storey to the present office, leasing or renting another building, or erecting a new one.

“The committee is recommending a short-term solution to see how much space we have and to use that information to create a long-term plan,” said Slocan’s Hillary Elliott, who chaired the committee.

The regional district has largely outgrown its purpose-built headquarters on Lakeside Drive, where it moved in 2000. But Elliott says a proper assessment of long-term solutions was beyond the committee’s resources.

The board adopted a resolution in July to hire a space planner to look at redesigning the office, although it has been held up by a corporate review that looked at staffing levels. That document concluded a few more positions should be added.

Elliott says they’ll ask the planner to provide them with different options and prices for reconfiguring the existing space.

“Can we, with our old-fashioned, big and cumbersome desks, create a better environment? We’re pretty open to see what somebody can do while respecting employees’ space and flow and the public.”

She added the committee hoped the short-term solution will buy them another year or two.

Nelson Star