The reception area would include a raised ceiling to allow in more natural light. (HCMA Architecture + Design)

The reception area would include a raised ceiling to allow in more natural light. (HCMA Architecture + Design)

RDCK sending out Castlegar Complex upgrade surveys

Surveys will arrive in mail boxes soon about proposed renovations to the Castlegar Community Complex

Residents of Castlegar and Regional District of Central Kootenay Areas I and J will be receiving surveys in their mailboxes this week asking what they think about proposed renovations to the Castlegar and District Community Complex (CDCC).

An information pamphlet will accompany the feedback forms explaining two proposed concepts.

Feedback received after an information session in May revealed that the field house and multipurpose space options presented at the time were most often ranked as more long-term desires, so those items will not appear as options on the new survey.

Residents are asked to review the pamphlet with all members of the household and answer the questions based on the thoughts of all household members.

Items that will be included on the survey:

Option 1 — aquatic centre, fitness centre and social hub upgrades

Option 2 — all of the above plus a new arena

Option 3 — no upgrades

“We are hoping to get a broader sense from the community as to what the community would approve for a project,” said Manager of recreation for the CDCC Jim Crockett back in June when the surveys were first announced.

The survey will include details about each expansion option, including costs and the tax implications if approved.

Surveys must be returned by Sept. 11, 2017.

An explanation of all of the original proposed components can be found at

Castlegar News