The RDEK has approved a grant to the City of Kimberley for curb side recycling carts. Black Press file

RDEK approves grant to city of Kimberley for recycling carts

Kimberley is another step closer to implementing curb side recycling as on Friday, the RDEK approved the city's grant request for $281,600 for the purchase of 3200 recycling carts.

Kimberley is another step closer to implementing curb side recycling as on Friday, the RDEK approved the city’s grant request for $281,600 for the purchase of 3200 recycling carts.

READ: Kimberley to have curbside recycling by this summer

The Regional District will access the funds from the Central Sub Region Solid Waste Recycling Fund.

The RDEK had previously approved a similar loan to the City of Cranbrook for its recycling program.

A report to the board noted that during the Solid Waste Management Plan review, a waste composition study was conducted. The study found that up to 19% of waste collected in the category of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) could have been recycled through either the Yellow Bin Program or the Recycle BC Program. Based on 2019 tonnages, this represents an additional 5,704 tonnes of recyclables that could have been recycled and removed from the solid waste stream. Presumably, by making recycling more accessible through a curbside program, some of this additional material may be diverted from the landfill.

Fernie collects about 79 kgs/household/year of recyclables based on 2,090 carts serviced. Considering Kimberley is providing 3,200 carts, it is estimated that Kimberley could collect and keep 253 tonnes out of the Yellow Bin Program. This would result in a Yellow Bin Program annual savings of $81,403 for the Central Solid Waste Sub Region Service.

Therefore, the potential savings could provide a payback on the grant in as little as four and a half years.

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Kimberley Bulletin