A photo simulation of the Telus wireless communications tower that is being proposed to be built on a property on Cochrane Road in Qualicum Bay. (SitePath illustration)

RDN: Board supports cell tower proposal for different site on Qualicum Bay property

Area H director McLean has dealt with high volume of emails on the issue

  • Jul. 18, 2021 12:00 a.m.

There is new proposal for a Telus telecommunications tower in Qualicum Bay, rejected by the Regional District of Nanaimo board last month.

Electoral Area H (Bowser, Qualicum Bay, Deep Bay) director Stuart McLean, at the RDN board’s regular meeting on July 13 asked that the motion the board passed on June 22 (to allow the tower to be build at a 210 Cochrane Rd. property) be brought back for reconsideration.

McLean made the request after he had dealt with a high volume of emails, including messsages from those who opposed the proposed site. There are those who would still like to see construction of the 63.1-metre wireless communications tower – but at a different site on the same property, a distance away from residences.

“They indicated they were comfortable with moving to the farther southwest corner and would have no issues with that,” said McLean. “But they are not in favour of it being on the northwest corner, which was very close to many of the residences on Cochrane Road.”

The board agreed to rescind their June 22 motion.

READ MORE: Residents raise concerns over proposed cellphone tower in Qualicum Bay

McLean then made another motion recommending the RDN concurs with the TELUS proposal to construct a wireless telecommunications facility but on a different site — on the southwest corner of the property.

McLean said many of the residents expressed the need and the desire for better cell service in the Qualicum Bay area.

There was strong opposition to the proposed tower at the previous board meeting in June. McLean said he has had conversations with a some of those residents.

“They are good with the proposed changes and I realize that some people will still be opposed and you can’t please everyone,” said McLean. “So I am looking to find a compromise that will work for the large majority.”

The board needs to support the new location of the tower before it will be forwarded to the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canadian for consideration.

“This is the concurrence that the regional district must provide and just being very clear as to where on that property, it would support the cell tower,” said Paul Thompson, RDN manager of long-range planning.

The motion passed with Electoral Area F (Coombs, Hilliers, Errington, Whiskey Creek, Meadowood) director Leanne Salter voting against.


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