RDN directors to be involved in water action plan update

RDN directors to be involved in water action plan update

Three directors to take part in year-long process for 2019 project

  • Mar. 3, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The Regional District of Nanaimo will update the Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Action Plan this year.

The goal is to refresh the program’s mandate and outline priorities for the next decade and beyond.

The RDN board participation has been deemed important to the success of the project. It has appointed City of Nanaimo director Ben Geselbracht, Electoral Area B (Gabriola and surrounding islands) director Vanessa Craig, and Area H (Shaw Hill, Deep Bay, Bowser) director Stuart McLean to a temporary steering committee.

The appointed members will serve as liaisons to the board, provide input and guidance during the yearlong process. The work will focus on building on the successes of the first decade of the program and re-energize it with new priorities, shared objectives and emerging areas of focus.

The eventual goal is to produce a comprehensive action plan document that is developed through a collaborative process to guide the DWWP program moving forward. It would require working with key partners and stakeholds throughout the process.

— NEWS Staff

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