Regional District of Nanaimo’s regional landfill in Cedar. (News Bulletin file)

RDN proposing new bylaws for separating waste at apartments, condos and businesses

Public consultation being accepted until Oct. 1

  • Jul. 23, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Regional District of Nanaimo will consult with residents on a pair of proposed bylaws that could affect how people living in apartments and condos and businesses deal with garbage.

In a press release, the RDN said it is inviting feedback on mandatory waste source separation and waste hauler licensing bylaws, which aim to “increase the diversion of recyclable and organic material from waste generated by multi-family buildings and the institutional and commercial sectors.” In addition, the legislation intends to develop a circular economy, where recycling markets are refined, the press release said.

The RDN landfill has 22 years of life left, said the press release, and the bylaws will “help preserve that.”

The mandatory waste source separation bylaw will follow the RDN’s organic-recyclable-garbage waste stream system for residential properties and apply that to multi-family dwellings, said the press release. Garbage can be collected by an RDN-licensed hauler or businesses can self-haul.

The waste hauler licensing will see licensees offered lower tipping fees, which the RDN said is intended to make the industry more competitive and enable them to offer lower rates to residents. There will also be a waste disposal fee at the landfill, which will incentivize waste diversion and discourage waste being shipped out of the area to jurisdictions that do not share the same goals, the press release said.

Tyler Brown, RDN board chairperson, said the RDN has one of the highest waste diversion rates in B.C. due to the commitment of residents when it comes to recycling.

“The new bylaws will further help us reach our target of 90 per cent diversion of waste from the landfill by 2029 by providing tangible incentives to waste haulers and ensuring that businesses, institutions and all residents have an on-site container system to separate their waste into organics, recycling and garbage for collection,” Brown said in the press release.

The RDN will host public webinars on Aug. 19 and Sept. 9 at 10 a.m. Feedback is being accepted until Oct. 1. To provide comments, or view draft bylaws and information, visit

RELATED: RDN wants new buildings to have three separate bins for waste

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