Students gather on the Metlakatla Wilderness Trail.

Students gather on the Metlakatla Wilderness Trail.

Read & Play takes a trip on the Metlakatla Wilderness Trail

On July 24 approximately 25 children between the ages of 6-8 in the Summer Read & Play Program visited the Metlakatla Wilderness Trail.

On July 24, approximately 25 children between the ages of 6-8 participating in the Summer Read & Play Program visited the Metlakatla Wilderness Trail.

The children were accompanied by 15 adults (parents, chaperones and teachers). The group departed from the Metlakatla Ferry dock in Prince Rupert at 10:00am and hiked the 3km trail to the canopy view point towers.

The children were very excited to cross the suspension bridges and reach the top of the view point towers nearly 50 feet in the canopy of the forest. The children spent an hour having lunch at the picnic site on the trail and exploring the beach at the Tugwell Island sandbar. The group returned to Prince Rupert at 3:30pm.

Metlakatla Development Corporation is very pleased the Summer Read and Play Program decided to visit our attraction during its third week in operation.

The Northern View