Nicole Abbott, with sons Everett, 4 (centre) and Colin, 3.

Nicole Abbott, with sons Everett, 4 (centre) and Colin, 3.

Record treasure hunt nets Filberg tickets for lucky Comox family

We’re going to have to make our treasure hunts harder!

The Comox Valley Record and the folks at the Filberg Festival came together to create a fun new contest for Record readers.

We hid an envelope stuffed with a pair of Filberg Festival tickets under a bench at Pioneer Park in Comox, and started dropping clues on social media Tuesday morning as to the envelope’s whereabouts.

By Tuesday afternoon, only three clues in, the game was over.

Comox resident Nicole Abbott found the prize.

More specifically, her four-year-old son Everett did.

Nicole said that when the clues started popping up on the Record’s Twitter and Facebook feeds, she and her sons (Everett and three-year-old Colin) decided to make a day of it.

The first clue (Of the three ‘C’ municipalities in the Valley, it’s not a Village or a City) told her that the prize was somewhere in Comox.

The family got involved in the hunt after reading the next clue.

“After your second clue (… in a public green space with an ocean view), I thought for sure somebody had already found it, there must be [a lot of] people looking for it,” Nicole said. “But my boys and I headed down to the marina because that was super close. We just made it part of our playtime. But no luck, so we just went about our business.

“Later on we were in Courtenay and I just so happened to check the clues again and when I saw ‘pioneer’ (clue No. 3: It might take a pioneer spirit to find the prize) I Googled Pioneer Park and saw that the park was directly on our way home.”

When they arrived at the park, Everett said he was going to check under all the benches.

“He yelled out ‘I think I found it’. And I looked at it and said ‘I think you’re right.’”

Nicole said while she was the navigator, the boys were the ones that did all the searching.

“They thought it was so much fun. They were looking in trees and under picnic tables and all over. They thought it was just fantastic.”

Nicole said the family has been in Comox for three years and they attend the Filberg Festival every year.

“We love it, because we can walk to it, and we think it’s one of the best things about living here,” she said.

It’s even better this year, because they’ll be going for free.


Comox Valley Record