Recreation upgrades to cost residents

Hope will cover over $90,000 in improvement costs for the community recreation park

Taxpayers will be footing part of the bill for improvements to the community recreation park.

The district received a $370,575 grant from the Ministry of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development earlier this year for the initiative. However, the total project cost is estimated at $463,300, which means residents will be covering the $92,575 shortfall.

“The district, in conjunction with other community groups, wishes to improve the quality of life and promote healthy living,” said chief administrative officer John Fortoloczky.

“This means utilizing and improving parks to allow their optimum use for recreation and sport. The community recreation park does need improvement if we are to encourage various stakeholder/community groups and individuals to increase their usage of the space and facilities.”

R.F. Binnie & Associates Ltd. has been awarded the $49,162.88 contract for planning, detailed design, and preparation for tender of the improvements. This work is expected to begin before the end of October.

The project adds a new bike skills park to the area and improve the existing skatepark. The Sports Bowl will also receive upgrades to the stairs, walkways, seating and fencing to make it safer for event spectators. In addition, a walking trail with a picnic area will be constructed in the woods adjacent to the Sports Bowl and skatepark, and link to existing trail networks, creating a connection from Kawkawa Lake to the recreation centre.

Hope Motorsports Group acquired 1,500 donated no post guard rails earlier this year to reinforce the terraced seating area and increase spectator capacity at the Sports Bowl. The district has committed to using the guard rails in the project design.

“The community will have input throughout the process. Their feedback is a key aspect of the whole project,” said Fortoloczky.

“They will be asked what they desire of various aspects of the park and what improvements should be made. They will then be consulted on design proposals resulting from their earlier input.”

The design and tender documents for improvements are expected next spring, which will allow construction to begin sometime in 2013.

Hope Standard