A fire at Redburn Creek was discovered yesterday, August 9, and is located in the Blaeberry.
The fire is currently being assessed, and is estimated to be 53 hectares in size.
“Basically what we have is an officer is assessing this fire currently and coming up with a plan,” explained BC Wildfire fire information officer Carlee Kachman. “It’s not currently impacting any communities and structures.”
The fire is considered high priority, and it was likely started as a result of lightning, which struck the area around 10 days ago.
“The lightning strikes will hit an area, and they will smoulder deep into the ground. When the conditions are right, then it will flare up,” Kachman explained. “Those sections of holdover lightning fires, they have been burning for quite a while.”
Sometimes, it can take up to three weeks before a fire flares up after lightning strikes.
“Heat and dryness happens. Paried with a bit of wind, they can ignite,” she said.
The Redburn Creek fire is considered a high priority fire, based on its location. Although it isn’t affecting any structures or communities, some people may feel it is a little too close for comfort. Kachman says that because of its geographical location, it shouldn’t pose a threat. If it were to spread, the Columbia Shuswap Regional District would alert residents in the area.
An onlooker called the fire in to BC Wildfire Service on August 9, informing officers of the blaze. Kachman says it is important that the public stay vigilant, and report any fires or smoke that they see so the BC Wildfire Service can respond accordingly.
“It’s really critical for us to have those initial phone reports,” Kachman said. “Early detection is very, very critical.”
The Redburn Creek fire is considered “out of control” with initial reports. All fires are branded this way until an officer assesses the fire and comes up with a plan.
“The main messaging right now is that everyone has to be extremely vigilant on their activities, and be really mindful that we are in a high fire danger,” Kachman said. “All of our resources need to be focusing on the fires we have naturally occurring on our landscape.”
Find more information about the Redburn Creek fire https://governmentofbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=ef6f11c8c36b42c29e103f65dbcd7538
To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone.
For the latest information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories, visit www.bcwildfire.ca.