Refugee hub fundraising for family

Money will go towards supporting family, bringing in new refugees.

  • Aug. 2, 2016 7:00 a.m.
Spring Honda has been a big supporter of the Cranbrook Hub for Refugees since the organization formed in October 2015. Pictured above: Mark and Bonnie Spence-Vinge, David Spring and Verna Oderkirk-Bungay.

Spring Honda has been a big supporter of the Cranbrook Hub for Refugees since the organization formed in October 2015. Pictured above: Mark and Bonnie Spence-Vinge, David Spring and Verna Oderkirk-Bungay.

The Cranbrook Hub for Refugees is raising money for their continued efforts in supporting a family that has recently arrived even as they’re planning to bring in more.

The Hub is selling tickets for a golf ball drop at Mission Hills Golf Course on Sept. 30 at 4 p.m. Tickets are $10 a pop, and a helicopter will drop a bucket of balls, each one of which corresponds with a ticket. The closest one to a designated pin will win $1,000.

Tickets are available at Mission Hills Golf Course.

A family has recently arrived thanks to the work of the Cranbrook Hub for Refugees—a 40 member organization that has received incredible support from the community, according to Spence-Vinge.

“We have received our first family two weeks ago, a family of five from Ethiopia,” said Spence-Vinge. “They are settling well into the community, we’ve had tremendous support, both financially, donations in-kind and service aspects of the community.

“The family is really excited to be here and really pleased to be in a safe and free situation and is looking forward to building a future with their kids here in Cranbrook.”

The group has been working together since October 2015, submitting documentation to become a sponsoring group a few months later.

It was only a month ago that the group identified the refugee family, which arrived in Cranbrook two weeks ago.

The Hub is planning a celebration at the end of August for individuals and organizations involved in supporting effort to bring the family to Cranbrook.

If anyone wishes to get involved with the Cranbrook Hub for Refugees or wants tickets for the Golf Ball Drop, contact Spence-Vinge by email at or by calling 250-426-4274 or 250-417-9226.





Cranbrook Daily Townsman