If you purchased a punch card for swims at the Aquatic Centre you can now ask for a refund. Kimberley Bulletin file

Refunds available for those who pre-purchased Aquatic Centre punch cards

At their regular meeting on Monday, November 9, 2020, Kimberley City Council adjusted the Facilities Rental bylaw to allow for refunds of pre-purchased punch cards at the Aquatic Centre.

At their regular meeting on Monday, November 9, 2020, Kimberley City Council adjusted the Facilities Rental bylaw to allow for refunds of pre-purchased punch cards at the Aquatic Centre.

Staff has recommended that this bylaw be amended such that the refund of prepaid recreation facility fees would be allowed in certain circumstances.

A number of Aquatic Centre patrons had purchased punch cards and multi-month passes for use of the pool prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting facility closure earlier this year. As a result of the extended closure of the Aquatic Centre, these patrons have been unable to make use of their punch cards or passes. Adopting the bylaw allows for refunds.

However, if you don’t want a refund, anyone who purchased punch cards and passes is assured they will be good when the Aquatic Centre does reopen.

Kimberley Bulletin