The skateboard park at the Creston and District Community Complex.

The skateboard park at the Creston and District Community Complex.

Regional district approves permanent closure of Creston skate park

Condition and safety risks lead to Creston skate park closure; RDCK has funds in 2016 budget to plan for new facility...

The skate park at the Creston and District Community Complex will be permanently closed due to its condition and safety risks, the Regional District of Central Kootenay board decided at yesterday’s meeting.

“The RDCK directors determined that spending significant money on temporary repairs at the old park wasn’t the best use of resources,” said Area A director Larry Binks, chair of the Creston Valley Services Committee, in a press release. “The plan is to prepare for a new and modern skate park by getting the community engaged and prepared for funding and partnership opportunities.”

The 15-year-old structure park was closed in October to allow for repairs to deteriorating concrete, and was expected to reopen this spring.

The existing park will be demolished this year, but the RDCK has allocated funding in the 2016 budget to begin planning site selection, preliminary design and cost estimates for a new facility.

RDCK staff is preparing a request for proposals for planning and design services, which will be requested in the next few months.

Creston Valley Advance