Regional District director appointments still hot-topic

A motion was put forth asking the province to allow mayors to appoint themselves or their designates as RDOS directors.

The Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen is considering a motion that would allow mayors to appoint themselves directors of the regional board.

The motion was presented after Princeton town council’s decision in December to appoint Coun. Frank Armitage as an RDOS interim director in place of Mayor Fred Thomas.

The interim appointment later led to controversy in Princeton.

Thomas has since taken on the role as director, beginning at the Jan. 26 regional district meeting.

A notice of motion was put forward at the Feb. 2 board of directors meeting asking the province to amend the Community Charter to allow municipal mayors to appoint themselves or their designates to regional district boards as one of the municipal directors.

This is the second motion put forth concerning how directors to the RDOS should be chosen.

At the Jan. 26 meeting, Area C director Allan Patton asked that the board to send a letter to all municipalities recommending mayors be appointed director representatives to the Regional District Okanagan-Similkameen board.

Both notices were carried by the board. The notice from Feb. 2 will be forwarded to the Southern Interior Government Association meeting at the end of April as a resolution.

Patton reasoned to the RDOS board that had the motions been put forward proactively, they could have prevented the “shmozzle” that took place in Princeton.

“It’s a proactive move to send a message to councils that mayors should come to this council unless it is their choice not to,” Patton said.

“It really is important that they be here. It’s important that mayors represent the position.”


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