Regional district directors receive marching orders

Kitimat-Stikine Regional District committee appointments have been made by chair Stacey Tyers for the 2015 year

The Kitimat-Stikine Regional District committee appointments have been made by chair Stacey Tyers for the 2015 year.

Personnel and finance committee members include Nass Valley director Harry Nyce, who’s the committee chair, Kitimat mayor Phil Germuth, who’s vice-chair, Village of Hazelton mayor Alice Maitland, Terrace city councillor James Cordeiro and Stewart mayor Galina Durant.

Planning committee members are District of New Hazelton mayor Gail Lowry, who’s chair, Thornhill director Ted Ramsey, who’s vice-chair, Hazeltons rural areas director Linda Pierre, Telegraph Creek director Dave Brocklebank, Dease Lake director Tina Etzerza and Terrace rural area director Jessica McCallum-Miller.

Other committee appointments of note are that all the directors except Kitimat and Terrace are on the Economic Development Commission, and all the directors are members of the Solid Waste Management Plan Steering Committee and Resource Benefits Alliance Committee.

McCallum-Miller is on the Heritage Advisory Commission and Lakelse Advisory Planning Commission. Ted Ramsey is on the Thornhill Advisory Planning Commission. McCallum-Miller and Ramsey are on the Terrace RCMP Community Consultation Committee. Ramsey is also on the Northern Development Initiative with Brocklebank as alternate and McCallum-Miller is on the Terrace-Kitimat Airport Society with Ramsey as alternate.

All directors are members of the North West Hospital District.


Terrace Standard