The new Regional District of Central Kootenay board was sworn in on Thursday, December 11.

The new Regional District of Central Kootenay board was sworn in on Thursday, December 11.

Regional District of Central Kootenay inauguration

Judge Richard Hewson presided over the swearing in ceremony of the 20 directors of the regional board on Thursday.

The new board of the Regional District of Central Kootenay was sworn in during the inaugural meeting this week at the Nelson boardroom.

Judge Richard Hewson presided over the ceremony, which had 20 electoral area and municipal directors taking their oath of office as a group, each person with a Bible to swear upon.

Judge Hewson addressed the board. “As a citizen of Nelson I would like to thank you for your engagement in politics of the region. We couldn’t live in a place as nice as we have if we didn’t have people like you that are willing to step forward to put your name up for election and, following the election, agree to serve the rest of the community. I really appreciate what you do, each and every one of you, for the entire region.”

Once the board had taken their oath, their first point of business was to elect a new board chair and vice-chair. In a secret ballot, Nakusp municipal director Karen Hamling was elected as the first female chair in the 49 years of the board’s history. Castlegar municipal director Lawrence Chernoff was re-elected for another term as vice chair.

Electoral Area Directors:

Area A (East Shore)-Garry Jackman

Area B (Rural Creston)-Tanya Wall

Area C (Rural Creston)-Larry Binks

Area D (Rural Kaslo)-Aimee Watson

Area E (Rural Nelson)-Ramona Faust

Area F (Rural Nelson)-Tom Newell

Area G (Rural Salmo)-Hans Cunningham

Area H (Slocan Valley)-Walter Popoff

Area I (Rural Castlegar)- Andy Davidoff

Area J (Rural Castlegar)-Rick Smith

Area K (Arrow Lakes)-Paul Peterson

Municipal Directors:

City of Castlegar-Lawrence Chernoff

Town of Creston-Ron Toyota

Village of Kaslo-Suzan Hewat

Village of Nakusp-Karen Hamling

City of Nelson-Deb Kozak

Village of New Denver-Ann Bunka

Village of Salmo-Stephen White

Village of Silverton-Leah Main

Village of Slocan-Jessica Lunn

Nelson Star