Regional District of Nanaimo divides gas tax money among projects

NANAIMO – Money spent totalled $620,000 on trails, bridges and accessibility projects.

Regional District of Nanaimo rural areas near Nanaimo divvied up more than $620,000 worth of gas tax money during the 2015 fiscal year.

According to information from the regional district, Area A – South Wellington, Cassidy and Cedar – received $313,000 during the fiscal year, while Area B (Gabriola and surrounding islands) received $173,794 and Area C (Extension, East Wellington, Pleasant Valley) saw an allocation of $134,094 during the year ended Dec. 31.

Maureen Young, regional district Area C director, said she spent $43,255 in 2015 on the Benson Meadows Path to improve it for walking and cycling.

“It was completed last year and it had many positive comments actually, about the improvements, so the residents were very pleased to have that completed,” said Young.

Howard Houle, Area B director, said money was doled out to a number of projects.

Houle said $12,000 went to the playground at Rollo McClay Community Park. A solar panel project at the Gabriola Commons saw $20,000 and $5,500 was allocated to the Rollo seniors’ centre for an emergency ramp.

Houle said an additional $30,000 went to finish up a design for a village trail.

Alec McPherson, Area A director said $150,000 went toward planning for the Morden Colliery Regional Trail bridge over the Nanaimo River in 2015.

Wendy Idema, regional district director of finance, said unspent money can carry over to subsequent years.

“If all the money isn’t used in a given year, it is carried forward for use in future projects,” Idema said in an e-mail. “This allows an electoral area to also save up for a larger project if they choose.”

Nanaimo News Bulletin