Regional district reactivates EOC, warns of flooding

In the next week, flooding is expected to "exceed" levels reached during the May 6-8 period.

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has reactivated its Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in Grand Forks as of this afternoon and issued warning bulletins in preparation for expected flooding.

According to information released by the RDKB on Wednesday afternoon, the BC River Forecast Centre has released predictions that the Kettle and West Kettle River levels will “meet or exceed” the levels of the May 6-8 period.

“The rivers are predicted to come close to previous peak levels over the next two days and significantly exceed those levels in the next six to ten days,” said a bulletin released by the RDKB on Wednesday afternoon.

Residents are being asked to keep existing sandbags in place and shore up any weak or low spots in their sandbag dikes.

A separate bulletin released for the Christina Lake area is warning that “Christina Lake water levels are very high and rising.” Boating is not being advised at this time because the wake from boats can damage fragile shoreline and worsen flooding; and because flooding can wash debris into the lake causing hazards for boaters.

River levels can be monitored online at and information bulletins can be found on the homepage of the RDKB at Residents needing assistance can call the EOC at 1-888-747-9119.

Grand Forks Gazette