Regional district reviews communications

Bob Fleming, chairperson, is looking at how the regional district interacts with the public and if improvements can be made.

Bob Fleming, North Okanagan Regional District chairperson

Bob Fleming, North Okanagan Regional District chairperson

The Regional District of North Okanagan’s communications strategy could be overhauled.

Bob Fleming, chairperson, is looking at how the regional district interacts with the public and if improvements can be made.

“We tend to be reactive and not proactive when disseminating information and I want to change that,” he said.

Recently, RDNO endured significant criticism over its handling of the Okanagan Rhythmic Gymnastics club and there was extensive negative media coverage.

As part of his process, Fleming has determined that four other regional districts are active on social media.

“Could or should we be?” he said.

Fleming also admits that the RDNO website is not “inspiring” and could be more user-friendly.

And Fleming isn’t the only one concerned about the current state of the website.

It was pointed out that the website includes a photo of director Herman Halvorson with a beard, something he hasn’t had for a couple of years.

“There should be more updates,” said director Mike Macnabb.

The board photo on the web also doesn’t include all of the directors.

RDNO budgeted $10,000 in 2016 for the website and about $6,000 was spent.

“We do try to keep it up with factual information,” said David Sewell, chief administrative officer.

Fleming anticipates presenting a report on communications to the board in March.


Vernon Morning Star