The $13 million Kal Tire Place expansion is on track for tender Jan. 9.

The $13 million Kal Tire Place expansion is on track for tender Jan. 9.

Regional partners backing arena expansion plan

$13 million Kal Tire Place expansion on track and on budget

Vernon’s planning of a new arena is getting a thumbs up from regional partners.

On Thursday, city officials provided information about the Kal Tire Place expansion to the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee.

“It’s being managed well,” said Jim Garlick, Coldstream director.

The City of Vernon owns the facility and is responsible for development of the new ice sheet, but taxpayers from Coldstream, BX-Swan Lake and BX-Silver Star are contributing funds towards construction and operations.

“We benefit from it,” said Garlick.

The $13 million project should be tendered Jan. 9 and construction could begin in March. It’s anticipated the facility will be opened Sept. 1, 2018.

“I’m happy to hear they’re still on budget and not coming back for more,” said Mike Macnabb, BX-Silver Star director.

Among the arena’s features will be an NHL-size ice sheet, six dressing rooms instead of four, two referee dressing rooms, a minor hockey storage area, a minor hockey office and a meeting room.

There will be 400 seats and a connection to the current building.

Ross will make a presentation to Coldstream council Monday.


Vernon Morning Star