Regional Search and Rescue trains in Houston

Nearly 40 people from Search and Rescue teams from across the region gathered in Houston for a day of training using iPads.

Nearly 40 people from Search and Rescue teams from across the region gathered in Houston for a day of training using iPads.

Houston SAR Director Andy Muma is leading the region in a Search and Rescue game changer, which is drawing provincial and national interest, said Chris Mushumanski, Director of the B.C. SAR Association.

Muma is applying iPad technology to the needs of SAR, and spent last Saturday in Houston  training SAR teams from Vanderhoof, Burns Lake, Smithers, Fort St. James and Houston. Several SAR members from Prince George attended to learn about the potential of iPads for SAR.

Muma will present the iPad and train 24 SAR teams from the entire B.C. north, from Fort St. John to Prince George on May 2 to 4.

“It will be the first time ever that all the teams in the north have met together and trained,” said Mushumanski.

“There’s significant things developing in the north that isn’t happening elsewhere in the province.”


Caledonia Courier