Registered mail disappears, but no answers from Canada Post

Canada Post can't tell Langley man why registered mail he sent was never received in Victoria.

A Langley man is putting out a warning to all people who believe paying for mail to be registered ensures that it will gets to its intended destination.

Otto Wagner sent registered mail to Victoria on Dec. 11. The mail never arrived at its proper destination.

Now nearly two months later and after dozens of phone calls to Canada Post, Wagner has never had an answer as to what happened to his mail.

“I have phoned Canada Post dozens of times. Finally, they said they would pass me to a supervisor but then I was just put on hold and no one came on the line. That has happened often,” he said.

He claims Canada Post customer service agents have said someone will call him on this day or that, but it never happens.

“It makes me mad,” said Wagner. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get an answer as to where his mail went.

The Times has made numerous calls and left messages and sent emails to the media contact with Canada Post. No calls or emails have ever been returned over the past two months, in regards to issues surrounding mail theft at community mail boxes.

Langley RCMP has called the issue of mail theft from community mailboxes in recent months “a significant problem.”

Langley Times