Relief in store for Great Lake walkers

There’s nothing like a good foot soak and a massage to help restore those tired feet.

When participants of the Great Lake Walk reach their goal at the end of the day, they are looking for some relief for their sore, and often very hot, feet.

There’s nothing like a good foot soak and a massage to help restore those tired feet, and it’s up to up to volunteers organized by Chris Haslam to provide that service.

This is Haslam’s fourth year organizing the volunteers for the foot care aspect of the walk, and she has been on the Great Lake Walk board of directors for the past three years.

“My area, the downstairs of Centennial Hall, is the toughest area to fill,” said Haslam.

She says that over the last few years it has been harder and harder to secure volunteers for this service as those who have volunteered in the past are getting older and they find it harder and harder to carry the tubs of water.

This means that Haslam is looking for between eight and 12 people, each of which will be asked to fill two hour slots so that no-one is burned out by being on shift for too long.

The foot care service runs from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the day of the walk, with the busy time being between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Volunteers are responsible for providing a foot soak and drying off of feet with a paper towel. If it’s wanted, volunteers will also apply lotion.

Beyond this, eight members of St. John’s Ambulance are on hand to deal with things like blisters, and often there are massage therapists who choose to help out, including Rita Dustow, giving the added benefit and relief of massage.

Dustow says she has participated almost every year and finds the event to be a great way to give back to the community.

Haslam, added that those who offer massage in the area could bring along their card or information and pass it along as a way of promoting their business.

Anyone wishing to volunteer for this aspect of the walk can contact Haslam by calling 250-749-4483, or by sending her an email


Lake Cowichan Gazette