Second World War veteran Albert Knobby Clark (left) is the keynote speaker at this year's Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Clarke Theatre, and combat engineer George Kennedy (right) will be leading the parade this year.

Second World War veteran Albert Knobby Clark (left) is the keynote speaker at this year's Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Clarke Theatre, and combat engineer George Kennedy (right) will be leading the parade this year.

Remembrance Day ceremonies take place at the Clarke

Support for poppy campaign begins strong in Mission

Remembrance Day ceremonies in Mission begin at 10:15 a.m. at Ecole des Deux-Rives on Stave Lake Street (also known as the old Windebank).

Parade participants will gather at the school at 10 and begin the march to the Clarke Theatre 15 minutes later.

Second World War veteran Albert (Knobby) Clark will be the featured speaker.

Clark joined the Canadian Army at the age of 18 and became a paratrooper. He was posted overseas to the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, serving in England and northwest Europe. Clark’s battalion was a part of the battles in Normandy, Ardennes, Rhine, and Elbe.

The Last Post will play at 11 a.m., followed by a moment of silence and Reveille.

Wreaths will be laid at the cenotaph outside the Mission Legion afterwards.

“It’s important we don’t forget about the veterans who fought in wars to make the life we have possible today,” said Mission Royal Canadian Legion branch 57 president Pauline Mann.

“It’s an important day for all veterans too, especially now since (the shooting in) Ottawa last month.”

The Oct. 22 attack on Parliament Hill began with the shooting of a Canadian soldier stationed at the nearby National War Memorial. The soldier, Nathan Cirillo, later died from his wounds. Shortly after, gunfire erupted in the Centre Block building. The gunman was shot and killed by the Parliament’s sergeant-at-arms, Kevin Vickers.

There has been strong support for the legion’s poppy campaign since it began last weekend, added Mann.

“An enormous amount of people have come out to support us.”

Mission City Record