A woman lays a wreath at the cenotaph in Hope on Remembrance Day. (Bill Dobbs photo)

A woman lays a wreath at the cenotaph in Hope on Remembrance Day. (Bill Dobbs photo)

Remembrance Day gatherings disrupted in British Columbia

Incidents in Kelowna and Kamloops mar Nov. 11 gatherings

A lawyer says he and his two young daughters left what he thought was a Remembrance Day ceremony In Kamloops after it turned out to be a protest against British Columbia’s vaccine mandate.

Jay Michi says he arrived at Riverside Park thinking he was attending the city’s official Remembrance Day ceremony.

But he realized he might have gone to the wrong event when a young man started reading a statement against the government’s vaccine policy before another man grabbed the microphone and used obscenities to complain about COVID-19 vaccines.

The event in Kamloops wasn’t the only such incident in B.C. on Remembrance Day.

Kelowna didn’t hold an official service, but the RCMP say they are investigating a disruption at the city’s cenotaph by up to 100 people on Remembrance Day.

Insp. Adam MacIntosh says when people choose to interrupt those observing Remembrance Day it “is a step too far.”

—The Canadian Press

RELATED: Wall of Honour vandalized with COVID-19 graffiti on Remembrance Day in Cranbrook

Remembrance Dayvaccines