Remesz second to seek federal Liberal nomination

Remesz believes Trudeau is a natural leader who will garner support in non-traditional areas.

Niki Remesz

Niki Remesz

Niki Remesz wants to be the federal Liberal candidate in Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo. What does she like about leader Justin Trudeau? “What you see is what you get?”

A Kamloops business and marketing consultant with extensive volunteer experience is seeking the nomination of the federal Liberal party.

Niki Remesz told KTW she has filed paperwork with the  party and has been active selling memberships before a nomination meeting expected in late August or early September.

She chairs Thompson Rivers University’s alumni association and has been on the board since 2009.

Remesz is also a past co-ordinator of Theatre B.C.’s Mainstage in Kamloops and volunteers as an usher with Western Canada Theatre Company.

She and husband, Steve, a high-school teacher, have an 11-year-old son and have lived in Kamloops since 1995.

Remesz joined the Liberal party recently.

“Liberal is where I’ve always identified,” she said.

“I find life is not black and white. Small changes make big differences.

“I’m in it to have a greater impact on the city — where I already do lots of volunteer work.”

Remesz declined to say how long she has been active selling memberships prior to the nomination meeting.

She has a head start on Steve Powrie, a Kamloops elementary-school teacher who earlier this week made the decision to run for the Liberal nomination.

A party official expects three or four people to contest the nomination, in part based on the excitement brought by Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau.

Remesz said she was inspired by her own convictions and ideas to run, but believes Trudeau is a natural leader who will garner support in non-traditional areas.

“I like that he doesn’t build a calculated facade — what you see is what you get.”

She said the Stephen Harper government is not representing Canadians as a whole.

“What’s happening in government today doesn’t make the majority of us happy,” Remesz said.

“Canadians need to be heard and Canadian values need to take the forefront.”

Incumbent Conservative MP Cathy McLeod has been acclaimed and will defend her seat for the Conservatives, while Kamloops lawyer Bill Sundhu is seeking the NDP nomination.

No word on whether the Greens have anybody interested in seeking the nomination.

By Cam Fortems

Kamloops This Week


Barriere Star Journal