Renowned artist holding show at arts gallery

Bill Magee, a sculpture artist who works in a forge, will be holding a show on Friday, July 22, and Saturday, July 23.

  • Jul. 22, 2016 5:00 a.m.
Renowned artist Bill Magee is holding a show Friday, July 22, and Saturday, July 23, at the Cranbrook Arts Gallery.

Renowned artist Bill Magee is holding a show Friday, July 22, and Saturday, July 23, at the Cranbrook Arts Gallery.

Cranbrook Arts is excited to host Bill Magee of Canadian Classic Cowboy fame in the Gallery on July 22nd and 23rd.

Roy has become internationally known for his whimsical and imaginative horseshoe creations.

Born in Sexsmith, Alberta, Roy learned to work with horseshoes, while turning the forge for Fred Holman, in Canal Flats.  He was eight years old at the time and horses were used in the lumber industry.  Fred Holman was the blacksmith.  Roy started at that young age to play with horseshoes and use his creative eye to put together one of a kind sculptures.  His imaginative eye has created over time, hundreds of different figures representing everyday people and their activities.  Roy is especially well known for his cowboy or rodeo figures including wheelchair cowboys, fiddlers, and pack horses but golfers, piano players and more help round out his diverse collection.

Roy’s first big show was at BC Place in 1966, where his work was recognized with awards, launching a career that has seen his work being shipped all over the world.  Roy is well known in some student circles for he has generously volunteered time at both Parkland Junior Secondary School and Mt. Baker Schools, igniting creativity in students and helping to inspire future hobbyists and artists.

We are fortunate to have Roy living in Cranbrook and look forward to having the public come and say hello to this one of a kind craftsman and artist.  Roy Magee will be in the Gallery July 22nd and 23rd 10:00 am to 5:00pm.



Cranbrook Daily Townsman