Dr. Gabor Mate will be speaking in Fort St. James next week.

Dr. Gabor Mate will be speaking in Fort St. James next week.

Renowned author and physician to speak in Fort

Dr. Gabor Mate, a physician, author and public speaker will be presenting in Fort St. James on Nov. 26 and 27.

Dr. Gabor Mate, a physician, author and public speaker will be presenting in Fort St. James on Nov. 26 and 27.

Dr. Mate is a world-renowned author who spent 12 years studying and working with addicts on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

Mate has concluded through his research the source of addictions is not to be found in genetic code, but instead in early childhood.

Neurobiology developed at a young age, when reward pathways and emotional patterns in the brain are created, is what Mate’s research has led him to believe are the source of addictive behaviours.

Looking into the situation and life history of people with addictive behaviours from drugs to shopping, is what his research led him to report to be the best way to restoring individuals to healthy behaviours.

Dr. Mate will also be speaking about parent-child relationships. Mate is the co-author of the book Hold on to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers .

The talk he will given on the Monday night will cover the basis of healthy child development, why the traditional relationship has become undermined, how children begin to look to their peers for modelling behaviour and how this can lead to aggression, precocious sexuality, drug use and other problems and how to restore healthy adult-child relationships, including methods of discipline which can bring them closer instead of alienating them.

Jo Anne Alexander, a nurse at the local health unit, has been working on bringing Dr. Mate to Fort St. James for two years.

“Most of us who work in the health field here have heard him speak,” she said. “We’re pretty excited he’s here now.”

The talks will be Nov. 26, from 6-8:30 p.m., and Nov. 27, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., are open to the public and free of charge, but participants should call and register to reserve a spot by calling Jo Anne at 996-7178 #2323.

Caledonia Courier