Rental turned down for refugees

Coldstream attempted to assist refugees in crisis, but offer turned down

Coldstream has attempted to assist refugees in crisis.

The district had offered to rent the Sato house (a rental property on Aberdeen Road) to Trinity United Church for a refugee family for $1,000 a month.

“They have chosen not to proceed with our offer,” said Trevor Seibel, Coldstream chief administrative officer, as the church is looking for something more central.

Instead, Coldstream is going to conduct a survey of the rental market before putting the house up for rent.

“We do have a couple leads of people who have inquired,” said Seibel.

Lake Watch to make waves

Increased lake patrols are in the budget to shore up safety on Kalamalka Lake.

Lake Watch patrols will return to the lake, with Coldstream contributing $2,200 to the service by the Conservation Office.

“In 2014, the CO’s were able to spend four full days on Kalamalka Lake at various times during the summer conducting patrols on the lake in the electoral area only,” said Trevor Seibel, Coldstream’s chief administrative officer, in his report to council. “We have the opportunity to cost share these patrols so that the CO will patrol the Coldstream end of the lake.”

Coldstream’s cost would be approximately $550 per trip (two officers on the water for a full day), for an annual cost of $2,200.

“There may be the opportunity to allocate more funds in the future if this is deemed to be a useful service provided to the community,” said Seibel.

Wildfire Protection Planned

Plans are being sparked to protect Coldstream from the potential for wildfire.

With its proximity to Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park, the district is investing in a Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

Coldstream was contacted earlier this year, as well as several years ago, by BC Parks about the program.

“Kalamalka Provincial Park has ‘fuel loading’ issues in certain parts of the park,” said Trevor Seibel, Coldstream’s chief administrative officer, in his report to council. “BC Parks and Wildfire Protection are willing to work towards reducing the fuel loading and fire threat to our community but they need a CWPP in order to understand where the threats are in relation to the community.”

The plans, which would cost between $20,000 to $30,000 is eligible for a grant which could cover up to half of the cost. The district would be on the hook for the remainder.

Seibel notes that in 2015 alone, there were three separate fires in the park.

“In all three instances, quick action by the Coldstream Fire Hall and area residents prevented a major catastrophe from occurring.”

Funds granted

Coldstream is investing in Lavington, Vernon Winter Carnival and restorative justice.

Grant-in-aid funding for 2016 is being allocated to: Lavington Community Association ($1,200), Vernon Winter Carnival ($500) and the Restorative Justice Society ($1,000).

Meanwhile several other requests were denied and few missed the deadline.

“Friends of Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park with their change over had missed this,” said Mayor Jim Garlick.

Bishop Wild Bird Sanctuary also missed the application deadline while requests from the North Okanagan Cycling Society and North Okanagan Pipes and Drums Society were denied. A lack of supporting documents also caused the Vernon Canada Day Committee’s request of $500 to be withdrawn.



Vernon Morning Star