Repairs driving forward

Coldstream has awarded Peter Brothers Construction the job, at its tender price of $742,740.

Improvements are on route for some Coldstream  roads.

The district has awarded Peter Brothers Construction the job, at its tender price of $742,740.

Those in line for construction are: Cosens Bay Road, Wyatt Court, Tassie Drive, Cactus Drive, Rochdell Road, Corona Court, Russet Drive, College Drive, Cunliffe Road, Venables Drive and the eastern portion of Palfrey Drive West.

Those in line for overlay, if there are any leftover funds, are Linden Drive, Kidston Road, Brewer Road and Kalamalka Road.

Peter Brothers was awarded the contract for having the lowest bid, which was nearly $200,000 less than the next top two tenders.


Vernon Morning Star