Michael Briones photo

Michael Briones photo

Repairs to Dashwood hall to cost $170,000

Staff suggest using Electoral Area G Community Works Funds to pay for upgrades

  • Jun. 27, 2018 12:00 a.m.

To allow the community to keep using the historical Little Qualicum Hall in Dashwood substantial repair to address structural and safety issues would have to be undertaken..

Regional District of Nanaimo’s Parks Planner Renee Lussier reported to the Electoral Area G Parks and Open Space Committee at its June 13 meeting that it would cost around $170,000.

Lussier pointed out if the RDN board agrees to keep the aging hall, which was up for demolition last year but was temporarily shelved due to protest from the Dashwood community and further assessment of the building was conducted, the cost to finance the upgrades could be drawn from the Electoral Area G Community Works Funds, which currently has $1,970,443 and $139,015 in reserve funds. It would also require $50,000 to be budgeted over two years to complete other repairs required.

Last year, Herold Engineering performed an assessment on the hall and provided three options and costing considerations to the RDN. The two options call for a new build and complete renovation but each has a high price tag.

The low cost option is to repair immediate life safety and accessibility issues, which was supported by the Little Qualicum Community Group and was also reflected in the online survey conducted last year in Electoral Area G.

Among the urgent repairs that need to be undertaken are rebuilding the washrooms and kitchen, providing a second entry, removing asbestos flooring, replacing the roof and providing accessibility. The cost could be between $140,000 to $170,000.

Lussier indicated that while the repairs will allow the community to use the hall for various functions and events, there will be other issues that need to be adressed in the future. An additional $50,000 would be needed to allow the work to be undertaken.

To demolish the building and remove hazardous material, it would cost the RDN between $30,000 to $40,000.

Lussier said in his report that a combination of $80,000 in CWF and $90,000 from reserves can be applied if the hall is to be repaired.

Send story tips: michael.briones@pqbnews.com

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