Telkwa Fire Department.

Telkwa Fire Department.

Repairs to fire hall in Telkwa complete

Firefighters resume pre-COVID-19 activities

Repairs to Fire Hall #2 in Telkwa after it was damaged by flooding are complete.

The hall had some flooding to the office and meeting space in late July due to a broken water line under the meeting area, which caused damage to flooring, kitchen cabinets and the lower portions of a few walls.

All the carpet has now been replaced by vinyl flooring, the walls repainted and new kitchen cabinetry was installed.

It was paid for in part by insurance, the fire department budget and a donation from the Telkwa Firefighter Association.

“The insurance covered substantially the floor and a portion of the kitchen cabinetry, but we did a bit of an upgrade to the cabinetry,” said Fire Chief Laurence Turney.

Meanwhile, Turney said things are starting to get back to normal at the department since COVID hit.

He said first responder activities have largely resumed and they are now responding to the types of calls they did before the pandemic reductions to fire rescue service were enacted in March to preserve personal protective equipment stocks.

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