Numerous Abbotsford Police cars and officers could be seen Tuesday afternoon (May 19) at an apartment complex in the area of Gladwin Road and George Ferguson Way to respond to a call about a weapon. The call turned out to be false, according to police. (Photo by Michelle Towson)

Numerous Abbotsford Police cars and officers could be seen Tuesday afternoon (May 19) at an apartment complex in the area of Gladwin Road and George Ferguson Way to respond to a call about a weapon. The call turned out to be false, according to police. (Photo by Michelle Towson)

Report of weapon at Abbotsford apartment complex turns out to be false

Large police presence responds to call at Gladwin and George Ferguson Way

A large police presence responded to an apartment building in Abbotsford on Tuesday afternoon (May 19) after the Abbotsford Police Department (APD) received reports of a weapon.

But the call turned out to be false.

Multiple police units responded at about 2 p.m. to the building at Gladwin Road and George Ferguson Way.

This resulted in streets in the area being blocked off, and several reports on social media about numerous police cars and officers being on scene.

But the APD later reported that after officers searched the complex, the determined that this was a “false report.”

“The Abbotsford Police takes all calls involving weapons very seriously and, therefore, a large police presence responded to this incident,” the APD stated in a social media post.

Abbotsford News