Reports to District of Sooke council

Arts and beautification panel as well as chamber report to council

The Mayor’s Advisory Panel on Arts and Beautification brought forward some project proposals including a Communities in Bloom, eco-structure at the kiosk ($3,000); hand painting of electrical boxes at Ed Macgregor Park ($3,000); hand painted banners kits to promote community spirit; and new signage at the boardwalk.

The panel is also proposing an arts/crafts/music/food market in Sooke on Thursday nights from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. from June 5 to August 28.

A signage project which would see a electronic sign on the highway before Sooke.

Other projects include a Maritime Installation Projects which would see maritime themed installations in the center of Sooke. Design renderings will be submitted to the advisory panel by February 27. This project was approved “in principle.”

The new laundromat in the village core will have art on the walls with rotating exhibitions of art from members of the art community from East Sooke to Port Renfrew.

Art work will be installed at the 17 Mile bus shelter.

The Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce gave an update as to its activities. Michael Nyikes came forward to request $1,200 from the district to help fund a proposed Meeting Professionals International Association conference in Sooke from June 20-22.

“We have a shortfall and need a little help with that,” said Nyikes.

Council received design drawings for the connector road between Church and Otter Point Roads. Tenders will go out by February 18 and close March 13, 2014. It is anticipated the contraction will be complete by the end of September, 2014.



Sooke News Mirror