Film crews will return to Ladysmith in early October to complete filming for Resident Alien (Cole Schisler photo)

Film crews will return to Ladysmith in early October to complete filming for Resident Alien (Cole Schisler photo)

Resident Alien returns to Ladysmith for filming in early October

A list of parking and road closures related to the filming of Resident Alien

  • Sep. 16, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Resident Alien is returning to Ladysmith for a second round of filming at the beginning of October.

Previous plans for filming in March were scuttled by COVID-19 lock down measures.

RELATED: Resident Alien production takes two-week hiatus amid COVID-19 pandemic

Town Council approved a series of road and parking space closures to accomodate filming from October 1 to October 8.

Intermittent closures of parking spaces between October 1 to 8:

  • On both sides of 1st Avenue from 330 to 610 1st Avenue;
  • On both sides of 1st Avenue from Baden Powell Street to Gatacre Street;
  • On both sides of Roberts Street from the TransCanada Highway to 120 Roberts Street;
  • The south side of Gatacre Street, between the TransCanada Highway and 1st Avenue;
  • On both sides of the “Malone Road Alley” between 1st Avenue and 121 Gatacre Street;
  • On both sides of High Street, between the alleys to the east and west of 1st Avenue and 11 High Street.
  • Intermittent closures of Roberts Street except for local traffic only between the TransCanada Highway and 1st Avenue on October 4 and 6, on the condition that the company has a traffic management plan and highway use permit in place, with appropriate signage;
  • Use of the Town controlled portion of the Fisherman’s Wharf parking lot at 837 Ludlow Road from October 1 to 8 for a production staging area.

Intermittent traffic control between October 4 to 6:

  • On the 300 and 400 blocks of 1st Avenue; and
  • On High Street between 1st Avenue and the TransCanada Highway.

Closure of the Town-owned parking lots at:

  • 117 Gatacre Street from October 2 to 7 for truck parking
  • 17 and 25 Roberts Street from October 1 to 8 for storage of equipment and tents

Closure of the following areas for from October 4 to 6 for crew parking:

  • Parking areas along Oyster Bay Drive, between Ludlow Road and Transfer Beach Boulevard, excluding areas currently in use for construction
  • The south side of Transfer Beach Boulevard from Oyster Bay Drive to Transfer Beach Park
  • The portion of 610-840 Oyster Bay Drive on the south side of Transfer Beach Boulevard; and the gravel parking area north of the Transfer Beach Amphitheatre

Use of:

  • The gravel infield and, weather permitting, the outfield at High Street Park from October 3 to 7 for a waiting area for extras and miscellaneous staging
  • The Town-owned lots at 12, 20 and 26 Buller Street on an as needed basis for vehicle parking, equipment staging or other filming-related uses from October 1 to 8; and the alley between 422 and 416 1st Avenue for an equipment cache from October 4 to 6

The filming setup will generally be a similar, but slightly expanded version of the January 2020 filming session. Additional areas are being recommended for use by the film company to help meet COVID-19 safety protocols. Resident Alien will be following Worksafe BC and actsafe guidelines that have been developed to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 during filming activities.

RELATED: Businesses happy with how Resident Alien filming was managed

Filming will occur between October 4 and 6 with setup starting October 1 and tear down completed by October 8. Locations will be similar, with most filming occurring near the intersection of Roberts Street and 1st Avenue and along 1st Avenue and High Street.

Ladysmith Chronicle