Resident describes wolf encounter

A Salmon Arm resident is keeping a closer eye on her cat after being chased by a wolf.

A wolf in British Columbia.

A wolf in British Columbia.

A Salmon Arm resident is keeping a closer eye on her cat after being chased by a wolf.

Jasmine Whitling was outside of her home on 50th Street SW, with her boyfriend and cat, when the cat ran into the barn beside her house, Wednesday, Oct. 6.

Whitling and her boyfriend, Jake Jacobson, followed the cat into the barn, noting that they didn’t see any wildlife before entering.

At the back of the barn they found the cat, but then a wolf poked its head through the opposite door.

“He was so big – he poked his head in, I was like, ‘oh my god, that’s a wolf!’”

Jacobson grabbed the cat as Whitling yelled. The wolf hesitated, and began to jog towards them.

Whitling estimated the animal to be the size of a small bear, with a large face and a long snout.

“He was more curious, if he wanted to kill us he could’ve killed us. He was bigger and could’ve run a lot faster. He was way more interested in (our cat) than in us.

The couple with cat ran out of the barn and hopped into Jacobson’s truck.

The wolf ran off into the woods.

Whitling said it’s not uncommon to see wildlife near where she lives, especially bears and coyotes. Jacobson said he had seen what he thought was a wolf a few days prior in a far-off field.

Conservation officer Tanner Beck said the behaviour the wolf showed towards Whitling’s cat is common for any type of predator.

“It doesn’t know the difference between a house cat or a rabbit or a small bob cat,” he said. Wolves don’t typically venture into human-populated areas, but they will if they become hungry enough,” said Beck.

“It’s pretty uncommon, but if they see a prey item they lose focus of what’s around them. They’ll ignore that person because they’re so fed on the fact that they might get a meal.”

It’s unlikely for a wolf to attack a person, as they generally fear people, he said.

Wolves are common in the Salmon Arm region, but it is uncommon to see them as they are typically shy animals, he said.

“It’s not an abnormal thing for it to be around. A sighting is not something to be concerned about.”

However, Beck hasn’t received any reports of wolves being spotted in Salmon Arm.

If one does encounter a wolf, he recommends picking up your pet, or small child and acting aggressive. Don’t turn and run.


Salmon Arm Observer