Resident wants yield signs replaced

Spallumcheen resident Greg Forsythe has helped create change to two traffic signs

Spallumcheen resident Greg Forsythe has helped create change to two traffic signs after narrowly avoiding collisions on St. Anne’s and Larkin Cross Roads.

Currently, there are two yield signs in place heading into the intersection. Forsythe would like to see stop signs take their place.

Forsythe has experienced two close calls with vehicles turning on to Otter Lake Rd.

“I was able to avoid the contact because I was going southbound. I would have been hit if I was going northbound,” said Forsythe.

There is another yield sign as you turn left onto St. Anne’s Road. Cars need to poke out into the intersection to see if the way is clear before advancing.

“I feel that yield signs in these instances encourages unsafe driving practices,” said Forsythe.

Spallumcheen council worked with its public works manager, Ed Forslund, and confirmed that these sites would benefit from stop signs. Temporary signs will be put up to alert drivers of the new stop signs put in place. Forslund will continue to scour the area for more yield signs that should be swapped for stop signs.


Vernon Morning Star