In preparation for the city’s food composting program that begins July 1, Salmon Arm Mayor Alan Harrison holds a kitchen catcher for compostables next to a blue curbside recycling bin, to replace blue or clear plastic bags, next to a food waste cart that kitchen compostables can be dumped into before the cart is taken to the curb. (Martha Wickett/Salmon Arm Observer)

In preparation for the city’s food composting program that begins July 1, Salmon Arm Mayor Alan Harrison holds a kitchen catcher for compostables next to a blue curbside recycling bin, to replace blue or clear plastic bags, next to a food waste cart that kitchen compostables can be dumped into before the cart is taken to the curb. (Martha Wickett/Salmon Arm Observer)

Residents to receive three-pack of bins for composting, recycling

City awards contract for containers, includes kitchen catcher, food waste cart, recycle bin

Residents will be receiving a bin-full of recycling supplies sometime before July 1.

Three bins, actually.

Salmon Arm’s curbside food recycling program is set to begin on July 1.

On Feb. 25, council agreed to award the curbside collection container contract to DBA Nova products out of Fort Erie, Ont., one of three quotes, for a price of $187,582.50. That includes $139,995 plus tax for food waste carts and kitchen catchers, and $47,587.50 for recycling bins, based on 6,750 units.

Coun. Kevin Flynn noted the numbers seem a lot better than what the city was budgeting. Staff agreed.

The city budgeted a total of about $200,000 more than the cost of the 2019 contract.

Read more: CSRD aims to increase composting

Read more: Thirty businesses onboard with composting

Each resident will receive a small beige kitchen catcher for compostables and a green food waste cart to dump the compostables in and then wheel it to the curb.

The third bin will be a blue recycling bin that will do away with the need to put recyclables in clear or blue plastic bags.

A bag will still be required for garbage, but city engineering and public works director Rob Niewenheusen expects they will be eliminated in the future.

Food waste accepted will include: fruit and vegetable scraps; meat, bones, skin and fat; tea, coffee and filter papers; paper and wax paper, fast food wrap; soiled cardboard boxes and take-out containers; dairy products; paper towel, napkins and facial tissue; paper plates; and bread and pasta.

Food waste collection will be weekly, while recyclables and garbage collection will be every two weeks.

@SalmonArmmarthawickett@saobserver.netLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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