Residents want Armstrong creek dredged

Meighan Creek flooding causes expense for residents of Meadow Creek Lane subdivision

Residents of an Armstrong subdivision want help cleaning out the creek that’s causing them grief.

Meadow Creek Lane consists of 35 residences in the 2300 block of Patterson Avenue, developed in 2002.

The development is bounded on one side by Meighan Creek which, during the heavy rains in May, breached its banks and, according to Meadow Creek Lane’s strata council, flooded three-quarters of the subdivision.

“This has caused much expense to the residents and the strata council,” said the strata group in a letter to Armstrong council.

The overflowing of the creek, said the strata, has been caused by a number of problems, including the creek not having been dredged in 10 years; whole trees falling into the creek not being cleared out; silt built up to the point that the outlet from the Meadow Creek Lane storm drain is covered by silt; and the culvert under Okanagan Street clogged with debris.

“The storm drain is unable to drain into the creek, causing water to back up into homes,” said the strata.

The heavy rainfall caused the creek to fill so high and run so fast that it undermined the bank under the lift station and electrical tower that when a state of emergency was declared, the strata, it said, had to buy four truckloads of very large rocks and have them deposited in the creek to stabilize the bank to prevent the lift station and electrical tower from falling into the creek.

On the east side of the development, the council said Meighan Creek is unable to absorb the water from the drainage ditch which causes the water to back up and flood homes on that side.

“We are requesting the City of Armstrong support our requests to the provincial and federal governments for funding (and permission if necessary) to clean out Meighan Creek,” said the strata.

Coun. Shirley Fowler said cleaning out the creeks is something that has been discussed.

“We should see if we can find a way to support the concerns and be proactive,” said Fowler.

Mayor Chris Pieper motioned to have staff explore opportunities in the city’s official community plan and what the ministries could do, which was supported unanimously by council.

“It’s not just Meadow Creek Lane, it’s all along Meighan Creek,” said Pieper.

Vernon Morning Star