RespectFest set for Vernon

RespectFest is tentatively planned for Sept. 18 to 23, 2017.

Canada’s 150th birthday party may include celebrating diversity in Vernon.

RespectFest is tentatively planned for Sept. 18 to 23, 2017.

“The highlight will be a one-day multiculturalism festival downtown,” said Annette Sharkey, with the Social Planning Council, which is the lead organization.

Also involved are the Downtown Vernon Association and the Allan Brooks Nature Centre.

Among the proposed events are a raptor festival, an art and history tour and school programs.

Public art will also be created through a mosaic tile project.

RespectFest is being developed as part of an immigration and settlement strategy for Greater Vernon.

“The main goal is to attract immigrants with entrepreneurial spirit and to match skills with local communities,” said Sharkey.

To fuel RespectFest, the Social Planning Council is applying to the federal government’s Canada 150 fund for a grant.

Tourism Vernon will also assist with marketing of the festival as it follows the 55-Plus B.C. Games, which run from Sept. 12 to 16, 2017.

“It could be marketed to participants of the games for a potential extension of their stay in the North Okanagan,” said Sharkey.


Vernon Morning Star