Restoration work begins on Bowker Creek

The reconstruction of about 120 metres of Bowker Creek adjacent to the Oak Bay High is expected to be complete in October

A rendering of the restoration and rejuvenation work along Bowker Creek that the Bowker Creek Initiative expects to be complete this fall.

A rendering of the restoration and rejuvenation work along Bowker Creek that the Bowker Creek Initiative expects to be complete this fall.

Construction surrounding Bowker Creek is expected to start this week.

Council approved a bid from Draycor Construction Ltd. for $448,883.22 to complete phase two of the Bowker Creek Initiative’s project to rejuvenate the waterway.

The first phase of project included extensive student and community engagement to develop a detailed design for the site. The project is funded by a UBCM Innovations Fund grant under the federal gas tax agreement to cover 100 per cent of the eligible costs of the approved project.

After a call for credentials the group pre-qualified three firms with the necessary technical knowledge and expertise and offered invitations to tender.

Two tenders were received in April, from Quantum Murray Ltd. for $930,261.27 (exclusive of taxes) and Draycor Construction Ltd. for $645,378.07 (exclusive of taxes).  Both tenders were above the construction budget for the project.

“We did some revisions to the design to bring the costs down and bring the project on budget,” said Jody Watson of Bowker Creek Initiative. “We’re still doing everything that is expected of us from the grants.”

The reconstruction of about 120 metres of Bowker Creek adjacent to the Oak Bay High School property includes channel excavation, channel enhancements, bio-engineering bank stabilization, landscaping, planting, irrigation and the construction of community amenities including an outdoor classroom structure and viewing platform.

Material and labour costs for concrete, pathway material, soil and excavation were higher than previously estimated.

The project team tweaked the design to minimize concrete, pathway material and soil requirements, reduce the amount of grading and excavation, and modify the location and materials for the viewing platform.

“It’s not the Cadillac we were hoping for,” Watson said. “But it’s going to be the best bike you’ve ever seen.”

Work is expected to start this month with rough grading by School District 61 contractor Farmer Construction Ltd. That should be complete by mid July when creek reconstruction by Drayton would start. The project is expected to finish at the end of October.

With support from Oak Bay staff, the Bowker Creek Initiative team plans to prepare and implement public outreach to maximize awareness and minimize public concern over temporary disruptions resulting from construction.



Oak Bay News