Former Lake Country deputy chief administrative officer Alberto De Feo is no longer associated with the municipality, the district announced in a one-line news release Friday, July 2. (Black Press file photo)

Retired CAO thanks Lake Country

Alberto De Feo sends thanks to council, mayor, staff and community

After almost a dozen years with the District of Lake Country, Albert De Feo thanks council, staff and the community as he moves into retirement.

De Feo, former chief administrative officer, is entering a “new exciting phase,” in his life as he outlined in a statement:

“I take this opportunity to thank Mayor James Baker, who has been my elected official leader for all these years, and all the councillors with whom I have served since 2009. They have all given me continuous opportunities to complete many important projects at both the policy and operational levels.

“I am also very thankful to staff for their support and team spirit, without which we could have not accomplished the many things that we have. They are the most valuable asset the District of Lake Country has, and have been a true font of inspiration to me for all these years.

“I finally thank the community for their patience and vision, without which nothing can be accomplished. I have received many expressions of support from citizens in this community and for this, I am humbly grateful. I wish the District of Lake Country continuous success and progress knowing how much this community deserves it.

“Thank you!”

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