Kaela Mehl will face a new 20-day trial starting Nov. 14 after her murder conviction was overturned in June 2021. (Black Press Media file photo)

Kaela Mehl will face a new 20-day trial starting Nov. 14 after her murder conviction was overturned in June 2021. (Black Press Media file photo)

Retrial date set for B.C. woman accused of killing her toddler daughter

Kaela Mehl’s conviction overturned in June 2021 due to ineffective counsel, juror bias

A Victoria woman will stand trial for a second time this November, after a judgment convicting her of slaying her 18-month-old daughter was overturned last summer.

Kaela Mehl was convicted of first-degree murder in the 2015 death of her daughter, Charlotte Cunningham, in October 2017. She was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years.

Mehl appealed the conviction, arguing that trial counsel failed to provide reasonable professional assistance, and that one of the jurors was biased. Mehl’s appeal stated that throughout the trial one juror made gestures of support or sympathy towards the family of her daughter’s father.

In June 2021, the Court of Appeal ruled in her favour, overruling Mehl’s conviction and ordering a new trial.

On Wednesday (March 2), the Supreme Court of B.C. set Mehl’s new trial date for Nov. 14. It is scheduled to last 20 days.

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