Revelstoke City Hall at the beginning of 2020. (Liam Harrap/Revelstoke Review)

Revelstoke City Hall construction complete, what do you think?

Started in June 2020, the project was completed earlier this month

  • Mar. 15, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The city hall rehabilitation project is complete.

Started in June 2020, the project included removing old stucco and replacing the exterior building envelope, stairs, windows and doors with the intent to mimic the historical characteristics of the original building.

“Revelstoke City Hall is a significant heritage building, and one that is often under-appreciated,” said Cathy English, curator for the Revelstoke Museum & Archives. “It is cited as one of the finest and earliest examples of the International style of architecture outside of a major centre, and was one of architect C.B.K. Van Norman’s important works. It is good to see this beautiful heritage building preserved and looking fresh. It deserves to be preserved and keep its place as a centrepiece of our heritage downtown.”

Do you like the city hall refurbishment?

Absolute Industries Ltd. was the contractor with assistance from city staff carpenters.

According to a news release from the city, the project was necessary to repair and protect the heritage building.

First proposed in 2016 for an estimated $800,000, the bid for the project in 2020 came in at $1.12 million, with $200,000 covered by a grant from the Columbia Basin Trust.

“Revelstoke’s City Hall is an important anchor for the historic town centre and it was a natural fit for the Trust’s Built Heritage Grants,” said Michelle d’Entremont, manager, delivery of benefits, Columbia Basin Trust.

Finishing touches, including signage, will be completed over the next week.

The Review has inquired about the final cost of the project.

READ MORE: City hall refurbishment comes in nearly $500,000 over budget


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Revelstoke Review


Revelstoke city hall is currently under refurbishment. (Liam Harrap/Revelstoke Revelstoke)

Revelstoke City Hall. Jan. 13, 2021. (Jocelyn Doll/Revelstoke Review)

City hall wrapped in plastic on July 7, 2020. (Liam Harrap/Revelstoke Review)

Two Revelstoke city staff members are currently on paid leave. (Liam Harrap/Revelstoke Review)

Another previous rendition of city hall. (File photo.)

Revelstoke City Hall was completed in 1939. It was designed by Vancouver architect C.B.K. Van Norman. (Revelstoke Museum & Archives photo 2004)