Revelstoke Community Centre hosts emergency centre for stranded travellers

Travellers stranded in Revelstoke due to the Trans-Canada Highway closure can find information at the Revelstoke Community Centre

Travellers stranded in Revelstoke due to the Trans-Canada Highway closure can find information on places to stay and alternate routes at the Revelstoke Community Centre.

Local hotels and motels were already busy during the winter high season, and have been booked up since the highway closed this morning west of Revelstoke due to avalanche danger.

City of Revelstoke communications director Lyle Huntley said an emergency social services centre has been set up at the community centre, but it will likely close at 9 p.m. on Jan. 2 because demand is waning.

Staff are providing stranded travelers with alternate route information, and with billeting information.

About 15 people have come through the centre when it opened at 5 p.m.

“We are matching people up as best we can if they still need a place,” Huntley said. Residents who can host stranded travelers can volunteer their place by dropping by the community centre. “If they have a place, they should come down and let them know,” Huntley added.

Stranded travelers are being referred there by hotels and the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce. Local hotels are trying to free up rooms by calling guests scheduled to check in tonight to see if they are stranded outside of town.

The Revelstoke Community Centre is located at 600 Campbell Avenue in Revelstoke. Parking lots are located on both sides of the building. The telephone number for the Revelstoke Community Centre is 250-837-9351.

Revelstoke Times Review